Bad news->
Me,Ching Yee,Kelvin,Candy...got injuries today during practice, i fall during stunting hurt my waist and hand. Ching Yee hurt her hand during extension and she falls on her hand but was find *thank God*. Kelvin during spotting Sharon she falls on him and during shoulder sit Candy (his gf) she sat on him hahah was vry funny that time how she sat on him,:P he hurt his neck but was ok cause he been known as Cushion;) hahah then Candy hurt her toe and is Bengkak now...i think Kelvin surely ask her do toe pitch haih...Sharon and her stunt team are getting a bit slow now days..don't know why la. And last thing as usual Erein still dreaming.
Good news->
Jye Kuan and Yi Tong my vry good base is improving vry well..although they are new members:) they have the spirit! Cheng Yi is getting better and better, and Candy said that she have the spirit as a cheerleaders.
We Have Faith!