wake up in the morning...at 7....when skol around 7.30. then of course bertugas...i'm a responsible pengawas wat :D all prefect are suppose to usher parent to their anak punya class...damn tiring tugas till abt 10 then form 3 turn to tugas...
THEN mom n 2nd jie jie came...initially i was vry worry but after asshole MR.POK aka chicken came to me n sylvia n complain dunno wat shit la, we just ignore him through out the whole conversation *piss*. How can a teacher stop the supporter to do go watch X-Plodetes in Bkt. Jalil? He limit the number of supporter to 2 bus ...when the num of supporter is 3 bus...wtf rite. That asshole do not knw how to organize a trip n settle things,he force the supporter to wear baju koko n track bottom on dat day,his really an asshole damn! OK end of dat fella, continue on report card then when we enter my class of 4 Dedikasi, teacher start her talks on how i behave in skol..biasa la cakap banyak, play to much wit Andrew n Julian and disturb de teacher during class...but one thing dat i did not expect TanPC will say 'She always talk to Andrew in class,they are vry close together like "Pak Tor-ing"-.- wat the...of course la i vry close to him n talk to him alot...his my best guys fren,i knw him seen 9 yrs old,same church,n i'm sitting beside of him. I tak cakap dengan dia say talk to siapa? well ntg much on my result it just *suck* n my teacher said i concentrate too much on cheer,mesti la captain wat and competition so near edi..-.-. Then after evrythin i n my team stay back for cheer practice...today was totally fun...we did quite high baskettoss *dun dare to say is high* n did our stunt routine,was totally fun :D some parents was like *whoa* haha love the attention ...but have to go back early for tuition...*yawn* tired ...end of today