On the 1st day...all of us X-Plodetes cheerleaders wake up vry early n get ready arrive at skol aroung 5.45am...then time for make up ..when we heading to Bukit Jalil...we wasn't dat nervous n we laugh,took pics,eat...

me n sylvia

suet yee n hui li eating fried rice
when we arrive at Stadium Bukit jalil...cold sweat n fear started to appear on evryone face...cuz is our 1st time duh -.-, i remember last year we were just spectator who came with skol bus n dunno where to sit...but now it just so diff,everyone has dat look dat they wan to see how we perform later..it just so scary...but i have to say dat all the other cheerleaders there on dat day is just so friendly :) but not some supporter...who gave us dat look, n even tease us...but who care :P when is our turn to perform i start to get vry nervous...even my team have to calm me down,so i did not perform well...i drop from liberty stunt, den i felt dat i kinda let my team down...later dat my coach Kelvin n Candy comfort me n show us de video he took n discuss abt it...den after dat we when back to our sit n watch others cheerleader perform den 2 of de host(Jien n erm sorry dunno) there ask a girl out on de mat, I was so brave to go down to de mat to do something wat the host says,so I was ask to dance around Jien so i did hahah i scare him :P*evil smile* den later watch other team performance like Stunner All- Girls they were just Fantastics i must say,felt dat they deserved to be on top 5 thou..I must say dat dis year competitors did vry well..I was so amaze by Shirtliff performance...(if shirtliff members see dis la) GOOD JOB GIRLS! :D
Day 2,
same thing arrive at B.J around 8am...get hair done...den when to a small space at erm dunno where is it la den we mark our step there with Candy, all of us start to give encouraging word n build back de spirit dat lost yesterday after de bad performance...we perform at around 3pm something we were at num 34. After lunch when to another space n mark step...didn't knw dat is already our turn to perform...all of us was relax...n we sang the song Y.M.C.A so loudly even Shirtliff supporters heard...hahah n also we did our fav TONGU dance( only known by X-plodetes cheerleaders) in front of so many other team...but it was definitely fun:D I Love X-Plodetes Family! then is our turn to go on mat n perform our lastn only chance, we did Good la i must say...mayb for other ppl we did bad, but for us it was good...none of us fall from stunt, yeah i knw other team did vry well but for us is enuff cuz all of us have fun n we did it like a close family :D later after dat result was out...was quite surprise dat Stunner girls din get in top 5...i think it was quite tough..i heard dat they was at num 6...ala so close, when back by bus although my family was there,i just wan to stay longer heheh :) arrived at skol did toe pitch wit LPH was stable man alah! de pic is not wit me anot can tunjuk skit :P when back tired n sleep...n was vry sad no more cheer practice evry day only once a week haih...damn sad la :(