All the hard worked and prayer all turn out what we wanted yeah! :P like what my previous post..wait and wait and wait...again! Last Thursday we did it again but this time successful :D Then we rushed to the Star head quarter. All thanks to Shaun Tan! Love You Shaun *hugss* he fetch us there at 3pm straight after my headmistress signed the Cheer 09 form. Thank Lord! and thank one of the teacher who supported ur Pn. Cheah who also did prayed for us Thank You teacher! Thank everyone who supported X-Plodetes! and dont forget Cheer 09 is one 4th and 5th of July! If you have transport problem dont worry we will provided *not for free* and only for SMK Taman Jasmine students :) We will be selling X-Plodetes supporter's shirt *new design* white* is only for RM 10 each. So book yours fast! it is now selling like hot cakes.
Cheer 09 :4th & 5th of July 2009
: Saturday and Sunday
#Bus is provided, price is unconfirmed
#X-Plodetes Supporter's Shirt : Rm 10 each
Pls contact Maddie me or Sylvia Cham.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
This is wat we got for 4 years hard worked?
Some teachers are unfair vry unfair. What is her problem? Cheerleading isnt about doing slutty stuff or against the law. Kementerian Pelajaran APPROVED it ok! Today is due date for cheer and she kept on avoiding me, Suet Yee and Sharon. She been giving us all kind of unreasonable excuses just to stopped us for going Cheer 09. We waited for our Head Mistress from 2pm til 5pm but she didnt come back but we managed to see 'that teacher' all she said was we have get 2 teachers to go with us during the competition, we found 2 but she said 'No'...and said our attitude is bad, but we didnt even practice at school! When she needs us for performances like Sports Day or Road Run...we said yes we are willing to perform but when we need something from them ,she dont even bother to look at us or recognized us...all the teachers in our school knew us and she pretend that she have not heard before...And this is what I got for 4 years of hardship fighting for Cheerleading to be noticed by teacher and approved by school. Our Headmistress approved us last year and like us, but this year she took 5 months of un-paid leaved not sure why...and has to much things to do and 'that teacher' took our form and didnt even bother to give it to my Headmistress. All my bloods , sweats, tears, all gone...I've been frightened by teacher to get expel from school because of Cheer but I am willing to do it if I have to but end up he is ok with us.. I waited 4 years since form 1 and I and my besties succeed last year but this year because of her we cant go...I am really really speechless and nothing cant bring back my happiness, craziness or words that can express my feelings now..i felt helpless and I tried my best edi and it didnt worked out...why cant I as a student get my rights? The school wrote on the board we need to 'tingkatkan our kokurikulum' whats that? Others teacher oso said you just dont like us and we should get what we've been working hard on...Sylvia and I was the founder of X-Plodetes then other 2 of my besties, Embrys and Denissa joined us after that...Thank you guys...and all the members of X-Plodetes letting me screw you guys up... thank Suet Yee and Sharon for being so patience and just do as I said and waited with me...Thank you Vincent! I'm sorry that i begged so long but it didnt worked out at the last minute...I really thank u a million for the spirit you gave us and being so patience helping us settle this and went to school and talked to them...Love You Vincent! Thank You Coach!....there goes the biggest cheer competition this year, the 10Th anniversary of Cheer Competition.... wont be blogging a long time more....I dont have the mood to do anything now...Really disappointed...

the founder
Cheer Clinics 08
First Extension Liberty

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